Glen Ridge, NJ Real Estate
The beautiful homes of Glen Ridge are one of the many attractions that the borough has to offer. Running the length of Ridgewood Avenue are unique & beautiful homes (along with a handful that can be characterized as mansions). The majority of the homes in Glen Ridge are over 100 years old, and the borough has done an excellent job maintaining the character of the town through zoning regulations in the Glen Ridge Historic District.
Glen Ridge Home Values
Of the 2,500 homes in Glen Ridge, the 2022 average home price was approximately $975,000 up significantly from the average of about $675,000 in 2018. Glen Ridge offers a unique sense of small town charm that every visitor can feel when they walk the streets of Glen Ridge, admiring the century old oak trees and sharply groomed properties.
Glen Ridge Taxes
Taxes in Glen Ridge are lofty year in and year out. In 2022, Glen Ridge’s average $21,000 yearly property tax was ranked 5th highest in New Jersey. The borough maintains transparency by showing a definitive breakdown of where its residents’ tax dollars go and how much money is collected.